21:002024. június 14.
15:002024. június 15.

I’m a big fan of István Szepsy’s Úrágya

2015. január 28. 10:17

It’s fascinating to follow the single vineyard wines of Tokaj.

2015. január 28. 10:17
Niklas Jorgensen
Wine Virtuosity

„It’s fascinating to follow the single vineyard wines of Tokaj. Not only is it a great way to understand vintage variation, it also shows the complexity of the region.

I’m a big fan of István Szepsy’s Úrágya. The vineyard which was planted five decades ago lies north west of the village of Mád. The neighboring sites are also classic names with Urbán to the north and Birsalmás to the south. Úrágya is perhaps not the most elegant of Szepsy’s single vineyard wines but that is compensated by a truckload of character.

However, the 2011 did differ and actually showed a more refined and elegant Úrágya compared to both the 2007 and 2009.”

az eredeti, teljes írást itt olvashatja el Navigálás

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